July 9, 2020
A few weeks ago, we wrote to ask: “where do you want to be braver?”. We also shared that our EmpowHER summer program is centered on courage-building, informed and inspired by Brené Brown’s Dare to Lead™ curriculum.
Since we were in touch last, our EmpowHER cohort has learned to become leaders who “live BIG.” This concept from Brené Brown asks us all to consider “What Boundaries need to be in place for me to be in my Integrity, and Generous with my assumptions about the intentions, words, and actions of others?”.
The phrase “living BIG” may be new to us, but the foundations of the principle are familiar:
- B: Boundaries. Get clear on what’s okay and what’s not okay; make this clear to ourselves and others.
- I: Integrity. Choose what is right over what is fun, fast, or easy; and practice our values rather than simply professing them.
- G: Generosity. Work from assumptions and intentions of compassion and grace. Everyone is doing their best.
Living BIG helps support daring leadership. Brené Brown shares that “daring leaders who live into their values are never silent about hard things.”
We think that sounds a lot like B.A., and our whole BA community: Our 2020 cohort, our 120+ alumnae community, our big and growing community of champions—like you!—that does the work to live our BA values, each and every day.
We hope to see you (virtually of course!) on Wednesday, July 29th, at 8pm ET to celebrate the EmpowHER 2020 cohort’s graduation! In the meantime, learn more on “Living BIG” here and let us know via social media how you put this into practice!

BA Women's Alliance
The BA Women’s Alliance is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization which supports the educational, personal, and professional development of women who seek to make a difference in the world.
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