The BA Women’s Alliance is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization which supports the educational, personal, and professional development of women who seek to make a difference in the world. Since no goods or services are received in exchange for your gift, 100 percent of your contribution will be tax deductible, as allowed by law.

EmpowHER In-Kind Needs
- Welcome gifts to distribute to EmpowHER participants at our annual Welcome to Washington orientation
- Meeting space to host events including professional development workshops & networking events with EmpowHER participants
- Covered costs and/or logistic for 1 social event per week for 8 weeks this summer
- Food, snacks/appetizers/or meals and drinks to keep EmpowHER participants well fed & focused
- Stationary and stamps, to help us appreciate our supporters like you!
- Transportation: Metro/Uber/Lyft for EmpowHER participants

Learn more about how to support BA Women and get involved with the BA Women's Alliance.