The B.A. Rudolph Foundation’s “Leveling the Playing Field” white paper describes the current state of the field of internships in the U.S. In an economic environment where only 17 percent of graduating students have a job offer at graduation, internships have become a vital component of learning and in some fields, a necessary experience in order to be competitive in the job market. Internship experience has been proven to increase a student's chance of getting a job in their field with 51.7 percent of graduating students who held an internship receiving a job offer by graduation. Yet, a number of disparities and legal issues persist when it comes to internship participation. Read the report to learn about the benefits, challenges, and opportunities of internships in the U.S., including ways that you can help to level the internship playing field. To view the report, use the navigation arrows to the left and right of each page. The report may be downloaded or shared using the icons located in the bottom right of the viewing pane.